सोमवार, 16 नवंबर 2015

Mali Samaj Websites | Saini Samaj websites | Mali Saini Websites

We have Largest database of Mali Samaj or Saini Samaj in the world. You can Visit for Mali Samaj Websites or Saini Samaj Websites running in India. Here are some famous Mali Samaj websites succesfully working all over india.
Saini World Economic Forum

Saini World Economic Forum

Saini World India, Saini World Rajasthan
Mali Samaj Websites
Phool Mali Samaj

Phool Mali Samaj

PhoolMaliSamaj.com: This is an official website of PhoolMali Samaj Udaipur.
Mali Samaj Websites
Mahatama Jyotiba Phule Rasthriya Sansthan

Mahatama Jyotiba Phule Rasthriya Sansthan

MJPRS : Mahatama Jyotiba Phule Rashtriya Sansthan, Jaipur.
Mali Samaj Websites
Mahatama Jyotiba Phule Welfare Samiti Rajasthan Jaipur

Mahatama Jyotiba Phule Welfare Samiti Rajasthan Jaipur

mjpwelfaresociety.com is the first website of Mali Saini Samaj ,which is dedicated to the entire community’s people
Mali Samaj Websites
Mali Sansthan Jodhpur

Mali Sansthan Jodhpur

MALI SANSTHAN JODHPUR (website) providing all the information about Communities Matrimonial, History, Social Organization, Social Personalities, Political Personalities, Other Personalities, NRI Personalities, Industrialist and other services to Mali Sansthan all over the world.
Mali Samaj Websites
Saini Online

Saini Online

This website is dedicated to documenting the history of Saini community of Punjab and its bordering districts in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir.
Mali Samaj Websites
Saini Officials

Saini Officials

This website is dedicated for the people of Saini Samaz residing worldwide with the intention to keep each other connected,committed towards Samaz progress & keep the new generation ahead, to save historical events, celebrations and customs
Mali Samaj Websites
Saini Jagriti Manch

Saini Jagriti Manch

To improve the Social, Economic, Educational, Cultural and Intellectual capabilities of the people of Saini community.
Mali Samaj Websites
We have Largest database of Mali Samaj or Saini Samaj in the world. You can Visit for Mali Samaj Websites or Saini Samaj Websites running in India. Here are some famous Mali Samaj websites succesfully working all over india.

Mali Saini Sandesh
Mali Saini Sandesh
‘माली सैनी संदेश’ का उद्देश्य केवल समाचार पत्र का प्रकाशन करना ही नहीं वरन् समाज में एक नई सोच एवं जाग्रति प्रदान करना है

Type: Mali Samaj Websites
For: Manish Gehlot
Site: http://www.malisainisandesh.com/
Mahatma Phule Samajik Shikshan Sansthan, New Delhi
Mahatma Phule Samajik Shikshan Sansthan, New Delhi
समाज के 10,000 विद्यार्थियों को कक्षा 6 से प्रवेश देकर प्रतिवर्ष इसी अनुक्रम में एक लाख विद्यार्थियों को सीबीएसई पाठ्यक्रम अनुरूप गुरूकुल में फुले आदर्शों से उच्चशिक्षा तक छात्रावास सहित शिक्षित करना

Type: Mali Samaj Websites
Site: http://phuleshikshansansthan.org/
Saini Mali
Saini Mali
सैनी माली डॉट कामॅ आल डवलपमेंन्ट सोसायटी जयपुर की स्थापना समाज में सभी व्यक्तियों ,संस्थाओं और सामाजिक गतिविधियों की जानकारी देने के लिए की गई है।

Type: Mali Samaj Websites
Site: http://sainimali.com/
Mali Saini
Mali Saini
Mali Saini, Malisaini, Mali Saini Sandesh, Manish Gehlot, Mali Saini Samaj.

Type: Mali Samaj Websites
For: Manish Gehlot
Site: http://www.malisaini.org/
Saini World
Saini World
Saini World : Centralized Database of Saini Community on Internet

Type: Mali Samaj Websites
Site: http://sainiworld.com/
Saini Info

Saini Info

We all have important values and ideas, things we care about and want to share. Sometimes we feel our ideas can even change the world, and we want to let other people know how they can join in and make all our lives better.
Mali Samaj Websites
Manjit Singh Saini

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