रविवार, 27 अप्रैल 2014

History Of Mali Samaj:-

        From ancient times Mali Samaj is famous which belongs or has its origin from yadavs. In ancient times this community was known as Malav. From ancient times this community was famous for its bravery, As the time passed this community had to leave sword and entered into agricultural field. Farming and plantation became more popular and source of income to this community. This community became famous for growing plentiful food grains and feeding the entire society. Today also, this community is known for its developed farming . 

        After time passed and the small plant of Mali samaj turned into a big tree and many branches also developed to this tree. Mali samaj was then divided into many into many sub-castes such as Fulmali, Kosimali ,Saine ,Panchakalshemali , Chaukashimali , Jiremali , Telgumali , Lingyatmali, Magar Reddy etc. 

Bravery Tradition : Khaibar khind kings attached and marched into India , at that time Malav fought with him and showed their bravery and in this type, Malav created their Malav Kingdom. Saine family from Malav community ruled Mathura for long time. Great king Prithivraj Chauhan Malav was from Malav community. Today also many Mali brothers are in higher posts in the Army which shows the bravery of the community. 

Tradition of Great Personalities : The Great personalities from the Mali samaj showed a good path to the society which was followed by the various sects of the society. Saint Shiromani Savta Maharaj from Mali community showed all the people the path of Karma and thought the society not to believe unnecessary blindfaiths and superstitions . The God (Panduranga) himself came to meet Savata Mali. In this way , Savata Maharaj showed all the society how forward and practical his teachings were at that time. 

        Mahatma Phule and Kranti Jyoti Savitri bai Phule is the proud of all Mali samaj in the country . The works of Mahatma Phule in the field of education, social and literature were amazing. The work done by Mahatma Phule themselves proved all the country how great he was . Savitri bai Phule also supported and helped entire life to Mahatma Phule in his works. They both together made a new history and that is why we all are very proud of them and also feel proud that we are Mali. Today also , Many of our community members are brightening in various fields such as Politics, Social work, Education , Agriculture etc.
Maharashtra :    
(1)Phul(2)Halde(3) Gire(4) Mire(5) Koshimbare
(6) Kache(7) Pade(8) Bawane(9) Adhprabhu(10) Adhshety
(11) Unde(12)Lingyat(13) Murale(14) Kolhat(15) Kadu
(16)Mal(17) Gauda(18) Kulith  
(6) Swami(7) Narayan(8) Vallabh(9) Gurav 
(1)Raut(2)Kachhi(3) Ghasi(4) Sagar(5) Aahar
(6) Gandh(7) Andi(8) Maina(9) Kahar(10) Khaira
(11) Mahar(12)Vaghel(13) Indi  
Madhyapradesh :
(1)Marar(2)Kosariya(3) Maliya  
(1)Kamati(2)Kajagi(3) Vakkal(4) Chandragupti(5) Idri
West Bengal:
(1) Magasak.    
(1) Karmali    

Also many Mali samaj lives in different states of the country.

2 टिप्‍पणियां:

  1. इस टिप्पणी को लेखक द्वारा हटा दिया गया है.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. इस बात को जानना बहूत जरूरी है कि शाक्य, मौर्य, कुशवाह, और भागीरथी सैनी सूर्यवंशी क्षत्रीय है और आप चंद्रिवंशी सैनियों की बात केर रहे हैं , ये बात एतिहासिक रूप से सच है के दोनों अलग अलग जाति समूह हैं , फिर आप क्यों दोनों के बीच समस्या पैदा कर रहे हैं
    दोनों का इतिहास अलग है दोनों के बीच कोई सम्बन्ध नही होता, पता नहीं किस ने ये समस्या पैदा कर दी , इस से दोनों लोग परेशान है और एक दूसरे से बचते हैं

    जवाब देंहटाएं